My Life As Such

I have a very dear friend who would like me to blog along side her. This will just be a blog about my life, things I like, and thoughts I have.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mommy Brain

Often times mothers are just sitting there watching their kids experience the world when random thoughts pop into their heads.

I had one such moment the other day. I had brought 'Kenzie into the bathroom for an emergency pit stop. She was lying on the bathroom mat, as I had not had time enough to stop for anything else. She kept reaching to her feet and cooing to herself. Occasionally, I would break my concentration long enough to make a face and watch her smile back.

The two situations together, my burning bum and her happy face, got me thinking. At what point do babies stop enjoying pooping? I mean, there is usually a smile accompanying gas and stools when they are born.

To learn why babies stop I guess we need to understand why they smile in the first place. Perhaps it is because they are experiencing something new. After all, a fun sound accompanies the relief of evacuating the bowels. And pooping just kind of happens for them. (I would think it is relief, but in my experience the smiles start before the blow-outs.)

So, if this is the case, a new experience and flatus sound, then why do kids drop the excitement? 'Kenzie is 4 m/o and has already gone into a state of concentration with her regimented deuce dropping. I guess the concentration of moving logs through the system overtakes the excitement of actually doing so.

This got me thinking...How often in life do we bypass the excitement due to the concentration of accomplishing the task?

As a mother, sometimes I spend more time planning the next step...bed after bath after dinner after playing... instead of living and enjoying the moment.

However, every time I go to sit on the porcelain throne I will be reminded to slow down and enjoy my time.

All because of my baby's smile.


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