My Life As Such

I have a very dear friend who would like me to blog along side her. This will just be a blog about my life, things I like, and thoughts I have.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Calm Before the Storm.

So what if it is only 5am. I am sitting here enjoying the peace and quiet before a tornado ravages our house and carries us away. My family is going to be whisked into a new land where time means very little. For a whole week we are going to 'struggle' with the concept of island time. Where our greatest concern is going to be beach, pool, shopping, or food. But no matter the choice the answer is always family. We will be leaving our 24hour world to enter a place where most shops close at 6pm and restaurants close by 10pm. A world where the first thing you hear in the morning are the birds in the trees and the last thing you hear is the sound of the ocean fighting the shore. A place where it is inevitable for families to become closer because there is no distractions.

And then, without warning, we will be thrust back into our reality. Nick will go back to his 7-3pm job, Hunter will go back to school, I will go back to work, and 'Kenzie will continue to grow. All the little things we realized that make our family unique will start to fade as time creeps on and life happens. Until the next year, when we hit storm season again. So, for now, I am absorbing the quiet... The quiet that will usher in a week of relaxation and family...and ultimately life.
